The “Artistic Journey of Hestia” is a full-year programme aimed at promotion of modern art and supporting artistic education. It was established in order to help direct young Polish artists’ enormous potential and support their further artistic development. This is an educational programme and it is based on a competition for 3rd, 4th and 5th year students of artistic faculties at universities all around Poland. The competition organiser — Artistic Journey of Hestia Foundation — has set itself the following aim: to arouse curiosity in both the audience and young artists on the verge of their professional careers.

An international jury — composed of experts from Spain, Poland and the United States — examines the submitted works and selects two winners, who are awarded a fully-financed, one-month artistic stay in New York and Valencia. The organiser provides also assistants on site, who help the guests fill up their schedules and set up meetings relevant to their artistic careers.

As part of the award, the winners have individual exhibitions of premiering works, created after their return from the stay, arranged.

SZUSTOW. KULTURA I KOMUNIKACJA  was responsible for media relation for the 14th edition of the “Artistic Journey of Hestia” competition.

Cooperation period: February–June 2015.